fredag 31 december 2010

Förklarar. Explains.

Tyvärr är mina filmen på svenska.
Jag kan inte prata engelska.
Jag överättar från Svenska till engelska.
Jag förstår att ni inte förstår på svenska tal.

Unfortunately, my film in Swedish.
I can not speak English.
I have transgressed from Swedish to English.
I Understad that you do not understand the Swedish speech.

Kortfilm om: Boris ett. Short film about: Boris one.

The film is in Swedish!

fredag 24 december 2010

God jul! Merry Christmas!

Nu är det jul!
Jag älskar att Alaska, USA och Kroatien att ha en trevlig jul! Jag tackar er som har tittat på min blogg.


Now it is Christmas!
I love Alaska, USA and Croatia have a nice Christmas! I thank those of you who have been viewing my blog.


Nava film two

The film is in Swedish. Mattias records Nava voice.

Nava film one

The film is in Swedish. Mattias records Nava voice

Balto 3 is currently under construction. It will maybe even new years. Just wait.

lördag 18 december 2010

Panic dog: Panika hunden

Film is in Swedish.

lördag 4 december 2010

Balto 2: Vem gjorde rösten.

Balto röst: Mattias Bergkvist
Jenna röst: Pernilla Wahlgren
Aleu röst: Eleonor Telcs-Lundberg
Boris röst: Peter Harrysson
Niju röst: Niclas Wahlgren
Nava röst: Stephan Carlsén
Muc röst: Niclas Wahlgren
Luc röst: Hasse Jonsson
Sumac röst: Hasse Jonsson
Nuck röst: Steve Kratz
Muru röst: Joakim Jennefors
Aniu röst: Maria Rydberg
Saba röst: Jasmine Heikura
Jägare röst: Steve Kratz
Terrier röst: Hasse Jonsson
Järv 1: Steve Kratz
Järv 2: Maria Rydberg
Järv 3: Annica Smedius
Varg 1: Hasse Jonsson
Varg 2: Joakim Jennefors
Varg 3: Steve Kratz
Dingo röst: Jack Werner
Varghona 1: Annica Smedius
Varghona 2: Maria Rydberg
Räv röst: Maria Rydberg
Flicka 1: Jasmine Heikura
Flicka 2: Jasmine Heikura
Flicka 3: Eleonor Telcs-Lundberg
Pojke 1: Jack Werner
Pojke 2: Jack Werner
Kvinna 1: Annica Smedius

Balto 2: part 10 last movie

The film is in Swedish. Mattas record Balto voice.

fredag 3 december 2010

Balto 2: part 9

The film is in Swedish. Mattias record Balto voice.

Balto 2: part 8

The film is in Swedish. Mattias record Balto voice.

Balto 2: part 7

The film is in Swedish. Mattias record Balto voice.

torsdag 2 december 2010

Balto 2: part 6

The film is in Swedish. Mattias record Balto voice.

Balto 2: part 5

The film is in Swedish. Mattias record Balto voice.

Balto 2: part 4

The film is in Swedish. Mattias record Balto voice.

Balto 2: part 3

The film is in Swedish. Mattias record Balto voice.

Balto 2: part 2

The film is in Swedish. Mattias record Balto voice.

onsdag 1 december 2010

Balto 2: part 1

The film is in Swedish. Mattias record Balto voice.

söndag 21 november 2010


Balto two
Balto tvåThe film comes the first of December 2010
Filmen kommer den första december år 2010

lördag 20 november 2010

Love song

The film is in Swedish. Mattias songs.

Balto part 10. The last film.

The film is in Swedish. Mattias record Balto voice.

fredag 19 november 2010

Balto part 9

The film is in Swedish. Mattias record Balto voice.

torsdag 18 november 2010

Balto part 8

The film is in Swedish. Mattias record Balto voice.

onsdag 17 november 2010

Balto part 7

The film is in Swedish. Mattias record Balto voice.

Balto part 6

The film is in Swedish. Mattias record Balto voice.

tisdag 16 november 2010

Balto part 5

The film is in Swedish. Mattias record Balto voice.

Balto part 4

The film is in Swedish. Mattias record Balto voice.

lördag 6 november 2010

Oliver and Company SWE Fagin.

This movie did l the first September, 2010.

The film is in Swedish. Mattias record Fagin voice.

måndag 1 november 2010

Balto part 3

The film is in swedish. Mattias record Balto voice.

Balto part 1

The film is in Swedish. Mattias records Balto voice.

söndag 31 oktober 2010

Balto part 2

The film is in Swedish. Mattias records Balto voice.

tisdag 19 oktober 2010

Oliver and Company

New York City.
Dodger on taxi roof.

Oliver begins to fall off.

Dodger wedges and Oliver goes under her paw.

Dodger wearing Oliver on second street

fredag 15 oktober 2010

Balto image two

Balto at the aircraft
Balto is very angry

Balto talking to Boris "You know what happens"

Kodi, Jenna and Balto

tisdag 5 oktober 2010

Balto bild 2

Kodi, Jenna och Balto.
Balto pratar med Boris "Du vet vad som händer".

Balto är jätte argt.

Balto vid flygplanet.

måndag 27 september 2010

Oliver och Gänget & Balto

Rock´n´roll, Dodger!
Balto och Jenna

Tito morrar

Boris och Luc

söndag 26 september 2010

Oliver och Gänget

Dodger bär Oliver på andra gata
Dodger kilar och Oliver går under tasen.

Oliver börjar att ramla ner.

Dodger på taxi taket.

New York City.

Balto bilder.

Boris viskar till Stella.

Balto lär Boris att flyga utan att titta.
